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Q: What was the purpose of missionaries in nigeria?
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What were the goals of the missionaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800s?

To convert the native people, the same reason why missionaries were established in the first place.

In Nigeria the emergence of native literature coincided with the arrival of what?

European traders and missionaries

In Nigeria the emergence of coincided with the arrival of European traders and missionaries?

native literature

Were the Christian missionaries responsible for what happened to Okonkwo?

No, the blame lies more with Okonkwo and the European colonists, though the Christian missionaries was part of the transition of Nigeria.

Who stop slave trade in Nigeria?

the abolition of slave trade in Nigeria was masterminded by the missionaries and liberated slaves who returned from sierra-leone By Mr. CLem Mordi C.

What is the history of home economics in Nigeria?

it can be traced to the coming of the missionaries in nigeria. before that time, the act of home making was practice in homes. mothers taught their daughters how to manage the home.

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What were the goals of the missionaries that came in to nigeria in the 1800's?

to spead the word of jesus in their culture lololololololol xoxoxoxoxxoxoxox love my jesus

What is the main purpose of missinaries?

Missionaries is spelled wrong, so I won't give you the answer.

What was the purpose of the missionaries in Latin America?

To convert the Native American populations into Roman Catholicism.

What negative effects is brought by the missionaries in the Igbo village?

Some negative effects of missionaries in Igbo villages in Nigeria include cultural imperialism, the disruption of traditional belief systems and social structures, and the loss of indigenous languages and customs. Missionaries can also contribute to conflicts within communities by challenging traditional authority and beliefs.