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The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.

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Q: What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?
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Related questions

When was the concentration camp at Auschwitz established what was the purpose?

Auschwitz was established in May 1940. It's purpose was to carry out Hitler's Final Solution to the Jewish problem; to kill Europe's Jews.

What was the concentration camp Auschwitz purpose?

The Purpose of auschwitz was to kill as much people as posible whiles making a seriouse profit from something else to cover the resource cost and help the german economy during the war

What kind of camp Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was a concentration camp.concentration and extermination camp

Was Auschwitz the main camp?

From early 1942 Auschwitz operated as both. The only other camp that served as both a concentration camp and extermination camp was Majdanek.

Where was the place Auschwitz made?

Auschwitz was a Nazi-built extermination camp (that means that its sole purpose was to kill the detainees, and not to keep them just barely alive) in Poland.

Where was the extermination camp Auschwitz?

Auschwitz I- Birkenau

Where was Auschwitz death camp?

Auschwitz is located in Poland.

How did the Auschwitz concentration camp begin?

The Auschwitz concentration camp began when beat you the hell up !

What type of camp is Auschwitz?

Concentration camp and Extermination camp

What consentration camp was otto frank sent to?

Otto Frank was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp.

Which camp had the highest number of Jewish murdered?


How many parts did Auschwitz have?

It had 3 sections. Auschwitz-I, which served as a working camp. Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the death camp. Auschwitz-III, it was used to provide slave labor to the nearby industry.