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Q: What was the purpose of the castle system?
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What was the purpose in castles?

the purpose in castle was to defend and to impress

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helmsley castle was more of a statley residence than a defensive castle.

What does castle system mean?

There is no such thing as the castle system. There is however the caste system Is this what you are referring to?

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to keep enemies out

What is the significance of the Castle System as it relates to religion and Does America have a Castle System?

There is no significance. You should be more worried about getting laid than wondering if America has a castle system

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noo idea

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for protection from the british in the attack of 1901

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How did people heat there castle before they used fireplaces?

The previous system was to light the fire in the middle of the floor, usually on a large flat stone for the purpose, There was a hole in the roof to allow the smoke to escape.

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the purpose of a control system is to manage

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The purpose of an economic system is to... I don't know?