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I It still applies. 'Check' in this context means 'Stop' so you might have a rule that any sale over £1000 had to be approved by the Sales Manager. This would reduce the risk that an inexperienced salesman might sell to someone who is unlikely to pay the bill. 'Balances' could be something like saying that the price of a product had to be kept in step with the price of the labour or material costs . If this is not done then an increase in either could wipe out the profit. A good idea would be to have a spreadsheet to calculate the selling price based on all the factors so that if any factor changed you only have to change it on the spreadsheet to get the new selling price.

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Q: What was the purpose of the checks and balences?
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What is checks and balences?

Checks and balances is a system in a government where each branch (executive, legislative, and judicial) has the power to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. It helps ensure that no branch of government becomes dominant and that power is distributed and shared effectively.

What are checks and balences?

checks like money. and arobics

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Its called the system of checks and balences.

Check and balences?

Checks and Balances are a thing in the government that are used to make sure that power is distributed equally and that there aren't any mistakes.

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Cashier checks are also called bank checks, banker's checks, official checks, demand drafts. They are checks guaranteed by a bank, drawn on a bank's own funds, and signed by a cashier.