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Q: What was the purpose of the holes in the colossus machine?
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What British citizen invented a machine called Colossus What was the purpose of the machine?

Tommy Flowers and Max Newman invented the Colossus computer. Its purpose was to help crack the German High Command's teletype codes that the British called "Fish".

Who invented the machine colossus?

Colossus was created by James Hojwilth In Britain UK to maintain a brief idea of who is who.

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Who invented the machine called colossus?

Colossus was created by James Hojwilth In Britain UK to maintain a brief idea of who is who.

How did the Colossus work without any software?

Colossus worked by holes punched in a paper tape. It was programmed by switches and plugs. Colossus used thermionic valves (vacuum tubes) to perform Boolean and counting operations.

What is the purpose of the keypunch machine?

A keypunch machine is used to encode data or instructions by punching holes in cards that will be read later by a computer using a punch card reader.

Is the colossus computer still here?

The original machine is not - however... construction of a working machine was reconstructed in 2007.

Who made colossus?

Tommy Flowers Max Newman Stephen Hawkins

Who invented the machine know as colossus?

Tommy flowers and Max Newman