

What was the real cause of the Salem witch Trials?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was the real cause of the Salem witch Trials?
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What genre is the story of the witch trials of Salem?

The Salem Witch Trials were a series of real historical events in Salem, Massaschusetts in 1692, NOT A STORY!

What characters in 'The Crucible' were in the real Salem witch trials?

The Crucible was merely a dramatization of the Salem Witch trials, not the actual trials. Therefore, all the characters in the Crucible are adaptions of real people at the real trials.

What is the setting of the Salem witch trials?

The Salem Witch Trials is NOT a title for a book. It is the name that describes a witch hysteria, a witch hunt and witch trials that occurred in 1692 in Salem Massachusetts and other towns in Essex County.

How are the character from The Crucible different from the Salem witch trials?

No and yes. The Crucible is work of fiction centering around the Salem witch trials, so its characters are real people involved in the trials. However, not all the real people are there and the stories and bios of those who are were mangled while he wrote the book.

When were ghosts and witches thought to be real?

Around the medieval time. :3. to be exact, 1000-1100 salem witch trials were in that time period... search it up "salem wicth trials"

Did they ever prove anyone was a real witch during the witch craft time?

no The Witch Trials of Salem was all a lie, though they did convict many of being witches, with no proof other than the testimonies of the colonists.

What was the anti masons?

Anti-Masons are those whom have no real knowledge of Freemasonry. It can be likened to the Salem Witch Trials. Both proving that ignorance is NOT bliss.

In the crucible does it have any historical context if so where?

yes it does because it is based on the Salem witch trials the characters like John Proctor were real and were persecuted

Is the crusbil a real story of the salen witch trials?

In a word, No. It is an allusion to McCarthyism during the Cold War that uses theories that have little historical support. It was written as a novel so it did not have to be 100% accurate. The Crucible is not a source for information on the Salem Witch Trials.

Is the Crucible a Fiction or Non-Fiction play?

It is historical fiction. It was based on the Salem Witch Trials, which was a true event in the 17th century, but all the characters are not real.

What are the differences between Arthur Millers The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the Salem witch trials?

The main difference is that McCarthyism was a real political period in the United States when Senator McCarthy tried to scare the people that Communism was leaking into our government whereas The Crucible is a play about the Salem Witch trials.

When were the McCarthy Trials?

The McCarthy Witch trials are actually considered McCarthyism. This is the practice of accusing individuals of disloyalty, treason and subversion without any factual evidence. This originates from a period in the U.S known as the Second Red Scare, from the 1940's and 1950's.