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The Brownsover Arm actually came first. It was part of the original route of the northern section of the Oxford Canal, built in the late 18th century by James Brindley. An early canal engineer, he followed the contours of the land, avoiding the complexities of too many tunnels and embankments His routes meandered all of over the countryside, and were groundbreaking (literally) when first built. By the 1820s, when competition from the railways intensified, some canal companies sought to speed up commercial travel, and so ungraded their canals by straightening them. The North Oxford was one such canal. Where Brindley's old route was cut, truncated lengths like the Bownsover Arm were left. Some remained in use for many years, while others gradually silted up and disappeared. Anyone travelling the North Oxford today can see some of these lost arms where towpath bridges cross them.

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Q: What was the reason for building the brownsover arm branch of the oxford canal at rugby?
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What the purpose of a lightning rod?

A lighting rod is a metallic rod, which is put in place to provide a route for electric charge to travel to the ground. It is placed at the top of a high building, and connected to a wire which runs down the side of said building and connects to a ground rod, which is placed underground. The reason why these are put in place is to avoid tall buildings being struck by lightning, as this could cause high temperatures in the building or even start a fire.

Is there going to be a tornado jockey 2?

most likely not because tornado jockey, although fun and awesome, was not one of its company's money makers. It is also pretty much endless which would eliminate the reason for a sequel so basically they could just do something like a Hurricane Jockey which would be a branch off of Tornado Jockey.

Why are tropical rainforests cleared?

The most common reason is commercial (and often illegal) logging. Timber, especially tropical hardwood, is valuable and you can get rich cutting down the trees and selling the timber. The other reason is slash and burn agriculture. Indigenous people clear a section of forest and burn the trees and undergrowth. The ash provides a small amount of fertile soil which allows them to grow crops. When the soil loses its fertility, they move on and clear another area.

What is the main reason for an earthquake?

The collision of tectonic plates are usually the main reason for earthquakes.

Why parts of rajasthan receive scanty rainfall?

1) This is because the Aravali Range in Rajasthan lie parallel to the Arabian Sea branch of South West Monsoons, and do not offer any obstruction to the rain bearing winds. 2) The second reason is that the hot climate of Rajasthan increases the moisture holding capacity of the rain bearing winds, and does not allow it to shed its moisture in Rajasthan. - Fez :)

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