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In Greek legend, the Trojan War began when Paris, prince of Troy, stole away helen, wife of King Menelaus of Sparta. In Greek history, well, the Trojan war antedates written history, so the legend is our only guide. certainly there was a war; certainly Troy was destroyed. but for a woman? real life is rarely so romantic. The fact is almost certainly that Troy was positioned where its forces could restrict access for traders to the Black sea, and the Greeks wanted that access.

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12y ago

Three goddesses were debating who was the most beautiful out of them all: Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena.

The golden apple of Eris, the goddess of Discord would go to whoever was decided the most beautiful. The golden apple was marked- For the Fairest

The three goddesses asked Zeus to decide who was the most beautiful but he would not; He told them to go to Mount Ida, near Troy, and Prince Paris would award the most beautiful with the golden apple.

The three goddesses appeared to Paris and each offered him a magnificant prize if he would claim her to be the most beautiful.

Hera promised to make him Lord of all Europe and Asia.

Athena promised to allow him to lead the Trojans to victory against the Greeks and lay Greece into ruins.

Aphrodite promised him the fairest mortal in all the world would be his.

Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite.

The fairest woman in the world, consequently, was Helen, the wife of Menelaus-Brother to Agamemnon, King of Sparta.

Troy and Sparta, the two most powerful armies in all the land, were in the midst of signing a Treaty. As they were Paris and Helen, determined to be with each other forever, headed for Troy.

Menelaus returned to find Helen gone and requested his brother to aid him in the destruction of Troy and the return of his wife Helen.

Agememnon, power-hungry he was, happily accepted. And the Greeks sailed to Troy and waged a ten year war.

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12y ago

If I had to sum it up to a single cause, I would say it was the death of Hector at the hands of Achilles. Hector was the greatest warrior in the world, next to Achilles, and had Hector not killed Patroclus, Achilles would not have killed him. Up to that point, the Trojans were actually close to driving the Greeks away.

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7y ago

Helen of Sparta was considered the most beautiful women in the world (or Greece) and was married to King Menelaus. Paris, a prince of Troy fell in love with her. He either kidnapped her or she went with him willingly to Troy. Menelaus wanted her back, declared war on Troy to get her back and other Greek states were obligated join him. Trofay also had allies that fought on their side. This was the Trojan War.


Helen was known as the face that launched a thousand ships.

Troy was defeated, many people died.

Odysseus had the Trojan Horse built that as used to defeat Troy and end the war.

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