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Greece fought against Troy in the Trojan War. In the end, the Trojans were defeated. Although there is no evidence suggesting the existence of Troy, aside from the Iliad, Aeneid, and, The Odyssey, and other historical Greek Literatures. Despite claims of the existence of Troy from many researchers, there is not hard proof of the existence of Troy, which is why the majority believe the Trojan War was just another piece of Greek Mythology. There are many different beginnings to the Trojan War, all ending the same. Personally, I am most familiar with the one involving the Greek Gods. Even saying that, the storyline remains the same. Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera, the three goddesses had a quarrel on who is the fairest of the three. Zeus being king of all gods, sent them to Paris of Troy, to decide. Each goddess offered him something different in exchange. He took Aphrodite's offer: The love of the most beautiful mortal woman in the world, Helen of Sparta, who was also Aphrodite's mortal sister. Paris of Troy, had fallen in love with Helen, the wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta. Helen, in return was shot by cupids arrow and fallen in love with him too, as promised by Aphrodite. She was taken by Paris, and they both sailed to Troy. Upon discovering the abduction of his wife, Menelaus travelled to Troy, in order to retrieve Helen, but was unsuccessful, which resulted in War between the Trojans and Sparta. The War was lead by Menelaus's brother, Agamemnon and lasted between eight and ten years. Coming to the end of the war, the Greeks made a giant, hollow, wooden horse, sacred to the Trojans, as a gift for friendship. However, they did not know the horse was filled with Greek soldiers inside, lead by Odysseus. After the Trojans discovered the Greeks were gone, they "Joyfully dragged the horse inside the city". Cassandra and Laocoön warned the Trojans against keeping the horse, but nobody believed them. The Trojan horse was kept, and in the dead of night, the Greeks entered the city, killing the sleeping population. Helen was intended to be killed, but Menelaus was overcome by her beauty and threw down his sword, and took her to the ships. Cassandra was raped on Athena's altar, while she was clinging to her statue, by Ajax the Lesser, and was then awarded to Agamemnon, while Poseidon had sent two sea serpents to strangle and kill Laocoön and his two sons. Ajax the Lesser fell into the sea and drowned as a punishment from Athena and Poseidon for raping a women on a Virgin Goddesses temple. Cassandra and Agamemnon were killed by Agamemnon's wife, who was having an affair with his cousin. Agamemnon's son avenged his fathers murder with his sister and succeeded to his throne.

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