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Q: What was the relationship between the story of Noah and Isaiah?
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What is noah's relationship with his three sons after the flood?

We do not know much about the day-to-day relationship between Noah and his sons at all. The only incident we know of is that after the flood, Noah's son Ham witnessed his father naked and intoxicated, resulting in Noah cursing Ham's son for eternity.

What was Noah's religion?

Noah did not need a religion, due to his relationship with god.

Is the story of Noah in the Old Testament?

Yes the story of Noah is in the old testament in the book of genises.

Who was first in the Bible Moses or Noah?

Noah. The Story of Noah and the Flood are found in the book of Gensis where Story of Moses and the Israelites is found in the book of Exodus.

What are some simularities between Life of Pi and the biblical story of Noah?

Both stories contain animals on a boat.

Is the story of Noah Dearborn true?

No, the story of Noah Dearborn is not true. It is a fictional story created for a TV movie starring Sidney Poitier as the title character.

Did the story of Noah's flood come from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Certainly the story of Noah's Flood is remarkably similar to the Flood story of Umapishtim in the much older Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. On that evidence, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the most likely source for the story of Noah's Flood.

Where will you find the story about Noah and the?

in The Bible

Who are the people in the story Noah's ark?

They are his family, three sons and their wives, and Noah and his wife.

Did Noah's ark have archives for the bees?

Ummm, No there were no bee's on Noah's ark. Since Noah's ark wasn't REAL. It's a story.

Was Gilgamesh the precursor to Noah?

The story of the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh is both older than and remarkably similar to the story of Noah's Ark. It is very possible that the story of Noah's Ark came out of Gilgameshand many scholars believe that to be the case. Others believe that Gilgamesh is not actually the predecessor to the story of Noah's Ark, but that they both evolved from a common, even earlier legend.

Where will you find the story about Noah and the Ark?

in the bible