

What was the relationship like between god and Adam?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What was the relationship like between god and Adam?
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What was the relationship between God and his People like after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

The relation between Adam and eve were broken after their disobedience in the garden of Eden.

What was the relationship between God and his People like before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

The relation between Adam , Eve and God was avery, very good relation god came each evening to talk to them, that all changed after the two sinned and were driven out of the Garden of Eden.

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Obedience was crucial to their relationship. The relationship was damaged when they disobeyed.

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Satan was jealous of Adam because, after he was cast down to earth, he had no place to settle, no responsibility, no job. Adam was created in Gods image, loved by God, blessed by God, and God gave him power to rule over the earth, Satan thought Adam was going to rule over him, so he must do something fast to destroy that power of Adam and the beautiful relationship between Adam and God, so tempted them and unfortunately succeeded.

What is the relevance of the myth of Adam and Eve in modern society?

If you believe the story of Adam and Eve to be a myth then it has no relevance at all. But if you believe the story to be true then it has great relevance. Because the story tells how man's relationship with God, the creator and sustainer of life, was broken when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Also everybody born since Adam and Eve is born without a relationship with God.

Did Adam and Eve sacrifice?

After the fall? We are not told if they did or did not. But we can assume they did, their children did and presumably Adam and Eve instructed their children how to maintain their relationship with God.

Did God still love and support Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit or did he kick them out of his life?

God still loved them. God kicked them out of the "garden" not His life. Adam and Eve's disobedience came as no surprise to God. God instructed Adam and Eve how they could maintain their relationship with Him - through a blood sacrifice.

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Praying to God is like talking to Him. For example, the more you talk to your parents, the more you know them, the more you understand them, and the more your relationship grows. In the same way, the more you talk to God, the more the relationship between you and Him grows, and the closer you will be to Him.

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How can one have a relationship with God and just religion?

You can't have a relationship with god, if you believe he exists then great but as he has made no indication of himself toward you there is no relationship between you