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Q: What was the religious group that founded Pennsylvania?
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Which colony was founded as a haven for religious group known as the Quakers.?

William Penn, a Quaker, founded Pennsylvania.

Which colony was founded as haven for a religious group known as the Quakers?

William Penn, a Quaker, founded Pennsylvania.

What colony was founded as a safe place to settle for a religious group known as Quakers?


When was Pennsylvania founded and why?

It was founded in 1643, and it was founded for religious tolerance.

What was Pennsylvania founded as?

William Penn founded Pennsylvania to allow the Quakers (a group of religious people that thought that all people should be at peace with each other) to live according to their beliefs.

What colony was founded as a heaven for the religious group known as the Quakers?

In the northern counties of England, particularly Lancashire, Westmorland, Cumberland and Yorkshire.

Which colony was founded as a haven for a religious group known as the Quakers?

The proprietor of the colony that founded as a haven for Quakers was William Penn, who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1677, which used to contain the western half of New Jersey.

What are two states that were founded for religious freedom?

Rhode Island and Pennsylvania

Which colony was established as a haven for the Quakers and why?

Pennsylvania was founded as a state of religious freedom by the Quakers. William Penn, who founded the colony on March 4, 1681, was the leader of this movement.

What group founded Pennsylvania?

The Quakers.

Why was Pennsylvania started and who started it?

Pennsylvania was founded for religious freedom and by William Penn?

What was the name of the religious groupe that founded the colony of Pennsylvania?

The Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1681 under the leadership of William Penn. They established Pennsylvania as a place of religious freedom and tolerance.