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The crusades, judged by what they set out to accomplish, must be accounted an inglorious failure. After two hundred years of conflict, after a vast expenditure of wealth and human lives, the Holy Land remained in Moslem hands.

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Q: What was the result of the Crusades?
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What was a result of the Crusades?

A result of the crusades was all of the Byzantine Empire

The result of the first crusades was?

the crusades were too week to fight

What was one direct result of Crusades?

The Crusades increased trade and commerce.

What was the result of the crusades for Europeans?


What cities benefit from the crusades?

Cities in Europe such as Venice, Genoa, and Pisa benefited economically from the Crusades due to increased trade and wealth acquired through their involvement in transporting crusaders and supplies to the Holy Land. In the Holy Land, cities like Jerusalem and Acre experienced short-term economic growth from the influx of pilgrims and military expenditures during the Crusades.

What was an indirect result of the Crusades?

discovery of the new worldOne indirect result of the Crusades was that the feudal system was not as strong as it had been. Another indirect result was that trade and commerce picked up.

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The pope hoped the. would br reunited as a result of the crusades?

The Pope hoped that the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Catholic) would be reunited as a result of the Crusades.

How did the crusades make the church stronger?

The Crusades contributed to the wealth of the Church by bringing back plundered goods. The Church also became stronger as a result of the crusades because of its influence over the people during the Crusades.

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Which of these did not happen as a result of the Crusades?

Crusades used to occupy Jerusalem for times, but the Turk(Muslim) always get it back