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The result was that gay people became part of public perception, leading to more and more rights.

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Q: What was the result of the gay rights movement in 1969?
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What gay bar was raided and inspired the beginning of the modern gay rights movement?

Stonewall, in 1969

The Stonewall riots in 1969 marked the beginning of?

the gay rights movement in the United States

The 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City marked the beginning of which social movement?

The Gay Liberation or the fight for Gay rights.

What was the gay rights movement objective?

The gay rights movement strives for equality.

When did gay people start trying to get more rights?

Since EVER. Its not Fair for us not to have the same rights as heterosexuals. There have been many Gay Rights movements throughout the last 100 years. In the United States, the first modern organized gay rights movement began in 1969.

What type of movement is gay rights?

It is a civil rights movement.

How far back does gay rights go?

The gay rights movement in the U.S. became mainstream in 1969 with the Stonewall riots, but didn't really take off until the early 21st Century.

When did the fight over gays and lesbian rights start in the us?

The gay rights movement started (very quietly) in the 1950s. It began in earnest after the 1969 Stonewall Riots.

Is gay rights movement capitalized?

No it is not.

Gay rights movement originated in what century?

The modern gay rights movement is usually said to have originated in Germany in the 19th century.

Where did the Gay rights movement originate?

There have been tiny sparks throughout history, but it became mainstream on June 28, 1969 with the Stonewall Riots.

How many people were killed during the gay rights movement?

The gay rights movement is not over, but so far, thousands have been killed.