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Q: What was the results of the colonial reaction to The Intolerable Acts?
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Did the british government overreact to colonial by issuing The Intolerable Acts?


Did the British overreact to colonial protests by issuing The Intolerable Acts?


What was the Intolerable Acts mainly about?

The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed in reaction to the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonies for their defiance.

Did the british government overreact to colonial protests by issuing the intolerable acts?


In the intolerable acts were the british reaction to what event?

Boston Tea Party.

How did the colonist react to the intolerable acts?

They saw that the acts were a violation to their constitutional rights, their natural rights, and their colonial charters. The believed that these acts were a threat to Massachusetts' liberties and all of what was then colonial British America.

Why did the colonis call intolerable acts The Intolerable Acts?

They were called Intolerable Acts by colonists because the acts were intolerable and horrible.

What is another name for intolerable acts?

The given name of the Intolerable Acts was the Coercive Acts. The colonists referred to them as the Intolerable Acts.

What was one of the purpose of the first Continental congress?

to end the Intolerable Acts

How did American Colonists react to The Intolerable Acts?

They saw that the acts were a violation to their constitutional rights, their natural rights, and their colonial charters. The believed that these acts were a threat to Massachusetts' liberties and all of what was then colonial British America.

How might the intolerable acts be seen as a reaction as well as a action?

by being the king of beyonce