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Q: What was the role of women before the civil war?
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What duties did women have before the civil war?

Women typically were home makers before and after the American Civil War.

What role did women play in civil war?

They were nurses

How did the role of women change in the civil war?

They were allowed to vote.

Facts about women role in the civil war?

Women were important because theyi helped fight in the civil war, were spies and helped in the hosoitals.

Who did most of the cooking before the civil war?

Probably slaves. Women did a lot of cooking too as it was a big part of their role in the family.

Was the Civil War the war that was helping to change the role of women?

It was partially to help change the role of women, it definately did help their cause though after they told the men they were fedup about how they were treated

Did the book Little Women come out before or after the civil war?


Was the right to vote for women before the civil war?

No, voting rights for women came in 1920, about 60 years after the Civil War (1861-1865).

What was the status of women before the U S civil war?

The status of women before the US Civil War was the same as after the war. Women were home makers, houswifes and basically ignored. Although many women did notable things in the US Civil War,they still did not get the right to vote as citizens of their country until well into the 20th century. The USA treated their women shamefully.

What was the role of government before and after the US Civil War?

I need to know about this question

What was the women's role in the civil war?

.A constitutional amendment allowing women the right to vote.

What role did women have in UK society before the ww1?

women should've been ironing during the war because that's their role in society. women should've been ironing during the war because that's their role in society.