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it gave Germany's airforce much live training in the tactics of bombing and strafing which was used in WW2

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Q: What was the roleof the spanish civil war play in the road to war world 2?
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Did children play music in the Civil War?

yes, children play music all around the world. They would play during the Civil war because it gave them something to do, and it made them fewel happy.

What is Spanish for play?

play in spanish is jugar

what are some outcomes of the Spanish Civil war?

The Spanish Civil War was a significant event in European history that had far-reaching consequences both for Spain and for the wider world. Some of the outcomes of the Spanish Civil War include: 1 - Victory of the Nationalists: The Nationalist forces, led by General Francisco Franco, emerged victorious in the war, resulting in a fascist dictatorship that lasted until Franco's death in 1975. 2 - Political Repression: Following the war, the Nationalist regime engaged in widespread political repression, including imprisonment, torture, and execution of political opponents. 3 - International Involvement: The Spanish Civil War drew international involvement, with foreign powers supporting both the Nationalists and the Republican forces. The war also served as a testing ground for new military technologies, tactics, and strategies. 4 - Cultural Impact: The Spanish Civil War had a significant cultural impact, inspiring writers, artists, and filmmakers around the world. The war also inspired a generation of anti-fascist activists who saw Spain as a crucial battleground in the fight against fascism. 5 - Legacy: The Spanish Civil War remains a significant event in Spanish history, with lasting effects on politics, society, and culture. It continues to be studied and debated by scholars, historians, and political activists around the world. Overall, the Spanish Civil War had a profound impact on Spain and the world, shaping the course of European history and inspiring new generations of activists and artists.

Who was the top scorer at the 1982 spanish world cup and what team did he play for?

It was Paulo Rossi of Italy.

Do Spanish people play football?

yes Spanish people do play football

How do you say play or die in Spanish?

play in spanish is- jugar- who-god die in spanish is- morir- mo-deed

What role did George Orwell play in the spanish civil war?

George Orwell participated in the Spanish Civil War as a soldier on the Republican side. He joined the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM) militia and fought against the Nationalists. Orwell's experiences during the war influenced his writing, particularly his famous work "Homage to Catalonia."

Lets play World of Warcraft in spanish?

You'll need to install a language pack for that (official link included)

What role did Isaac Murphy play in the civil war?

What role did Isaac Murphy play in the civil war

What is the spanish word for play?

Jugar = to play Juga! = play!

How do you say they will play even if it is raining in Spanish?

They will play even if it is raining in Spanish is: Jugaran aunque llueva.