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Q: What was the second camera invented?
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Who invented the 2nd camera ever in what year?

The ever second camera invented was called the "Kodak," was first offered for sale in 1888. ( Im highly assured and confident about this answer )For more information on this camera and the 4th,5th,6th,7th---57th camera invented names and " " ( 100% safe)Thanks and I hope I helped!:)

Who invented a small camera?

George Eastman invented the small camera

Which camera did Ibn Alhaytham invented?

he invented the first camera in the world

Who invented the lightweight camera?

George Eastman invented the lightweight camera.

Who and when invented the Digital camera?

Steven Sasson invented the digital camera in Texas and it was invented in 1993.

Who invented the document camera?

Dr Kadir PhD MBChB invented the camera

Who invented the camera in Victorian times and when?

The camera was invented by William Henry Fox Talbot. He had invented it in 1833

Who invented the first camera in the 1900s?

The first camera was invented long before the 1900s. George Eastman invented the "Kodak" camera, the first camera marketed to the general public, in the 1900s.

Who created the camera pill?

sasi kiran a japanees scientist invented pill camera in 2001

Was the camera invented by a Canadian?

The Panoramic camera was invented in 1887 by J.R. Cannon (a Canadian).

Who invented the speed camera?

Gatso is a brand of speed camera invented by Maurice Gatsonides.

When was the first underwater camera invented?

i believe the underwater camera was invented in 1893