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To begin with, it got people to participate in other reforms not directly related to religion. For example, Charles G. Finney encouraged followers to join in moral reforms, and he also spoke out against slavery. Additionally, changes in religion at this time helped reinforce the idea that making money and practicing religion weren't mutually exclusive. This was a very attractive concept at this time, since the country was rapidly industrializing. i love fried chicken

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Q: What was the significance of the Second Great Awakening?
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What was the of significance of the second great awakening for the social reform movements of the 19th century?

The Second Great Awakening was an inspiration and organizing force for subsequent social movements.

What was the significance of the Second Great Awakening for the social reform movements of the 19th century?

The Second Great Awakening sparked a wave of religious revivalism that emphasized individual moral responsibility and spurred social reform movements such as temperance, abolitionism, and women's rights. It inspired many people to work towards creating a more just and ethical society based on Christian values. The revival meetings provided a platform for discussing and organizing around various social issues, contributing to the momentum of reform movements in the 19th century.

When did the second great awakening end?

The Second Great Awakening was in decline by the 1830s.

What did the second great awakening inspire people to do rearding slavery?

what did the second great awakening inspire

What did the second great awakening cause?

The second great awakening caused shifts in theology and in religious beliefs

When did the second great awakening begin?

The Second Great Awakening began around 1790 in the United States.

What was the second great awakening?

The second great awakening was a religious revival in America. There were camp meetings. The abolitionist movement and the temperance movement were influenced by the Second Great Awakening.

Who opposed the second great awakening?

The southern states because the Second Great Awakening promoted the abolitionist movement.

The tendency toward rationalism and indifference in religion was reversed about 1800 by the?

probably the revivalist movement called the Second Great Awakening

Reform movement from second great awakening?

There are several reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening including the women's rights movement, and abolitionism. The Second Great Awakening refers to a Protestant revival movement.

Who were the leaders of the second great awakening?

Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell were the two leaders of the second great awakening.

What is the significance of Jonathan Edwards?

He helped set off the great Awakening