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Q: What was the significance of the death of Japanese general yarnarnoto?
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What was the significance of the death of Japanese General Yamamoto?

It greatly hurt the morale of the Japanese soldiers, so much so, that the Japanese government tried to hide the more gruesome details of his death from the general public in order to soften the blow.

What was the significance's of the death of the Japanese general yamamoto?

It greatly hurt the morale of the Japanese soldiers, so much so, that the Japanese government tried to hide the more gruesome details of his death from the general public in order to soften the blow.

What was the significance of the the death of Japanese general yamamoto?

It greatly hurt the morale of the Japanese soldiers, so much so, that the Japanese government tried to hide the more gruesome details of his death from the general public in order to soften the blow.

What was the significance of death of japnese general yamamoto?

It greatly hurt the morale of the japanese soldiers because he was a hero--you're welcome Gradpoint users. :)

What was the significance of the death of japan genral yamamto?

it greatly hurt the morale of the japanese soldiers because he was a hero

What general led the bataan death march?

General Masaharu Homma was responsible for the Bataan Death March. There were no Japanese Generals leading the march. Lower ranking officers did that. See links below.

Who led the Japanese Troop in the Bataan death March?

Masahura Homma was the Japanese General who led the Bataan Death March. The Japanese starved, denied clean water, beat, bayoneted and killed prisoners on the forced march. He was arrested in 1945 for committing war crimes and executed by firing squad.

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He was the personification of death.

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Shi: death (noun)

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the white carnation represents death in the Japanese culture.

Is there a significance to 3 days after a Jewish persons death?

There is no specific significance to the 3 days mark after a Jews death. After 7 days the mourners rise, so that has significance, and after a month everyone other than the children stop mourning, so that has significance too.