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The slave elite in the Safavid Empire were known as the Qizilbash. They were Turkic tribal warriors who played a significant role in the military and political affairs of the empire.

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Q: What was the slave elite called in the Safavid empire?
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Would a slave owner rather use his slaves or indetured servants?

A slave owner would likely prefer to use slaves, as they have no restrictions on their labor and are considered property. Indentured servants have contracts with set terms and conditions, making them less controllable compared to slaves.

A person that wants to end slavery is called?

An abolitionist is someone that wants to end slavery. In the United States, abolitionists worked to end the African and Native American slave trade and give those slaves their full freedom.

How can slaves become slave owners?

Slaves can theoretically become slave owners by gaining freedom, acquiring wealth or power, and then purchasing or acquiring slaves. This scenario, however, is highly unlikely given the historical oppression and systemic barriers that prevent slaves from advancing to positions of power and privilege.

What does inslaved mean?

"Enslaved" is the correct spelling of the word, which means to be held captive and forced to work without pay or freedom. It refers to the state of being a slave, where one's rights and autonomy are taken away by another individual or group.

What does Douglas identify as two major problems with his life as a slave?

Frederick Douglass identified lack of knowledge or education and lack of freedom as two major problems with his life as a slave. He understood that knowledge was key to his liberation and empowerment as a human being, and that freedom was a fundamental right that was denied to him under enslavement.

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Member of a polis who was not a slave or resident alien?

A member of a city-state or polis who was not a slave or resident alien was called a citizen. In ancient Greece, citizens were an elite group which did not include women, peasants, slaves, and resident aliens. It was a hereditary status.

How is the british empire benefiting from the slave trade?

It imported the slave-grown cotton and sugar-cane.

What was the 1807 slave trade act?

The 1807 Slave Trade Act was a law passed by the British Parliament that abolished the transatlantic slave trade. It made it illegal to engage in the business of trading enslaved people between Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean. The act was a significant step towards the eventual abolition of slavery in the British Empire.

What is the outcome if you refuse to pay taxes?

There is no definite answer.. The only answer I can give you, is that you would suffer whatever punishment the assigned elite (or elite slave) decides to give you.

The slave trade was abolished in the British Empire in?


How was the slave trade connected to the empire?

Because the slaves were taken from the colonies still in the empire like Africa

What did the British Empire get out of Caribbean Islands being part of the British Empire?

large profits from the slave trade

When did slave trade end in the Kongo empire?

i would say it ended when the empire did but, i dont know for sure when

What is called slave in urdu?

Slave : Ghulaam Galley slave : baandhwa

What is a headscratching slave called?

If you are talking a slave that acted out of line, they were called a "sambo".

What is female slave called?

Kajirae is a female slave Kajiri is a male slave

What is the owner of a slave called?

A master is the owner of a slave.