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Q: What was the social and economic factors that helped bring about the change to slavery into Britain north American colonies in 1619?
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What is an example of a thesis that a historian might write?

The American Civil War was caused not by slavery but by economic factors.

What caused the British government to take more interest in the American colonies?

There were several factors that all worked together to draw Britain's attention to the American colonies. The first factor was France and Spain's withdraw from the American colonies, leaving Britain as the only control. The thirteen colonies between South Carolina and Main had also grown in trade and economy. The colonies had also developed urban centers and large populations, this meant that the colonies had a strong economy and society independent from the British government which drew Britain's attention.

What were four important factors in breaking ties between britain and its colonies?

The colonies' major complaints were that there was too much political control from Britain, as well as too many taxes, and a lack of independence in governing the colonies. The colonies also wanted to have tighter control over the native population. The solution was for the colonies to break ties with Britain and subservience to the monarchy.

What factors triggered the deterioration in relations between Great Britain and American colonies?

One reason for the deterioration of relations between the British and the colonists were that the colonies were restricted to trading only with England. The other reason for deterioration is the fact that England taxed the colonies an exorbitant amount.

List two factors which were most responsible for the American colonies seeking their independence from England?

List and describe the two facts which were most responsible for the american colonies seeking their independene from england

What factors and motivations drove immigrants to the American colonies in the 1700s?

Escape from wars and religious freedom.

What were the factors that led to a victory for the American colonists in their war for independence?

Britain was tired of the long war across the Atlantic Ocean, and felt that the colonies were no longer worth the effort. A feeling that the former "colonists" would experience 200 years later.

What are the main factors that devoleped the British colonies?

Availability of land, lack of military draft, religious toleration, and absence of restraints on economic opportunity.

Detailed answer on all the factors that encouraged the British north American colonies to consider joining together to make a larger country?

The British North American colonies were used to working together to defend themselves from Native Americans, the French, and other enemies. Since they all wanted independence from Britain, they decided they would be stronger as one large country than as 13 small ones.

What are the example that economic factors linked to non-economic?

examples of non economic factors

What does Salutary Neglect refer to?

The term means benefitting from not enforcing laws. By not forcing its American colonies to follow all parliamentary laws, Britain allowed America to remain attractive to new immigrants and to prosper economically through lax regulation of trade. It was only when Britain moved away from self-government and toward new regulations and taxes that the colonists became increasingly dissatisified with British rule.

Why did Britain take over nigeria and what did they have that was important?

it is because they knew that Nigeria was rich in mineral resources