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Some of the best officers of the US Army had resigned to join the Confederates.

Traditional advantage in cavalry - most young Southerners could ride and shoot

Officer class - the army was a more natural choice of career for sons of rural landowners than in the industrial North.

Rank-&-file - a more soldierlike breed, a generally aggressive kind of people

Home-ground advantage - most battles were on terrain unfamiliar to the enemy

Stronger war-mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

Their President did not have to face an election in mid-war, as Lincoln did.

(At the beginning) Prospect of recognition and military aid from Britain and France.

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Magali Herman

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1y ago
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12y ago

Some of the best officers of the US Army had resigned to join the Confederates.

Traditional advantage in cavalry - most young Southerners could ride and shoot

Officer class - the army was a more natural choice of career for sons of rural landowners than in the industrial North.

Rank-&-file - a more soldierlike breed, a generally aggressive kind of people

Home-ground advantage - most battles were on terrain unfamiliar to the enemy

Stronger war-mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

Their President did not have to face an election in mid-war, as Lincoln did.

(At the beginning) Prospect of recognition and military aid from Britain and France.

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10y ago

They had two:

1. Most of the army guys who graduated from West Point Academy lived in the South. These were experienced, hardcore men that knew what they were doing.

2. Most of the battles were fought on Southern soil. The Southern soldiers thus knew the land better.

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The appeal of the mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

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The appeal of the mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

What would be the Souths greatest advantage in war?

The south's main advantage was fighting at home. That they were fighting on the defensive in its own territory. They were familiar with the landscape and they could harass Northern invaders.

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Goals of the North were to abolish slavery while goals of the South were to keep slavery. The North's advantages were that they had railroads so that they could move equipment etc. round easily while the South didn't have as many and it was more difficult to move supplies, which was a huge factor in the war. The Souths advantages were that they had slaves working for them doing the work while the North did not. Also the North had freed slaves fighting for them as well.

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the souths plan was for to wait till the north gave up or got tired like fort Sumter

What was the Souths people like before the civil war?

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