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Q: What was the state of American military and the American economy in the years leading up to World War 2?
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The American economy during World War 2 can be described as?

energized by high military spending and low unemployment The economy was stimulated by the war and the military's need for many goods and services. Many jobs were created as military contracts stimulated demand in thousands of factories.

What is one way the World War 2 affected the American economy?

Factories ran twenty-four hours a day producing military supplies.

What is one way that World War 2 affected the American economy?

Factories ran twenty-four hours a day producing military supplies.

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the united states is the current leading world power

How did Japan's government change after World War 2?

Japan's military decreased, and industrial economy increased.

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What military power is the world's leading map maker today?

United States

What was true about the economic boom after World War 2?

The American economy became the world's strongest.

What is the economy of the Philippine after the world war 2?

The Philippine economy surged upwards with the reconstruction and growth of US military bases in the country.

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It was the largest producer in the world.

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the ecomomy BOOMED

Why did american become more interested in foreign affiars in the late 19th century?

The U.S. economy was growing more tied to other nations,