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Q: What was the system for enslaving natives was known as?
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What could the Spanish have done instead of enslaving Africans and taking land from the Natives?

They could have exported a number of civilian workers.

What European group was known for enslaving the Indians?

the french were the ones to enslave the indians.

Did the Spanish enslave the American Indians?

Yes they did, or at least something very similar to it. Most of the Spanish in colonial America had no qualms of abusing or mistreating the natives. The first Native American empire that Hernando Cortes' overthrew was the Aztec Empire. The Aztecs were known for enslaving other Native Americans and also known for live human sacrifices.

Was the Empresario system successful?

No, Because The Natives Rebelled and Many Natives Died From Disease

How does fontaine justify enslaving the Negroes?

Fontaine justifies enslaving the Negroes by making his point clear and explaining that they are enslaving there own selves.

What is the bad effect of encomienda system?

The encomienda system had several negative effects on the Spaniards. Some of those were that the natives were exploited and treated badly, the religious beliefs of the natives were threatened and even destroyed and the natives faced severe discrimination due to the system.

What plants did the first colonists learn to grow from the natives?

Corn, also known in that time to natives as maize.

Which group tried talk to the natives into becoming Christians?

The group of people that tried to talk the natives into converting to Christianity were known as the Missionaries.

Why is the encomienda system important?

It was important because of the natives!

What natives did they find in South Africa?

The natives of South Africa were called the Khoikhoi people, but are mainly known by the name Hottentots.

What are the Kwakiutl Indians best known for?

kwakiuti indians are best known for handicrafts who are now natives of north america