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Q: What was the third atomic bomb called?
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What did sadako call the atomic bomb?

well,first off..he called the atomic bomb something important in history and important in real life.i dont really know what she called the atomic bomb..BUT she called cancer the atomic bomb disease..interesting huh?

Where was the third atomic bomb going to be dropped?


Who did the atomic bomb?

China made the Atomic Bomb, no china did not make the atomic bomb. the united states made the abomb and it was called the mannhattan project

Was America prepared to drop a third atomic bomb?

At the time of Japan's surrender, no - a third bomb would have been a few months away.

Atomic bomb survivors were called?


Was there a third unexploded atomic bomb dropped on japan?

No, there were only two bombs.

Are there really three atom bombs if there are not how many are there is there seriously one named Junior?

Yes there was a third atomic bomb named Junior.But the bomb was never used.Insead it was buried,on an unmapped island.But the reason they did not use it was Beacuse they did not have to.Beacuse after Fat Man and Little Boy was built and dropped the war ended. So that caused them not to use the third atomic bomb,Junior. Yes there was a third atomic bomb named Junior.But the bomb was never used.Insead it was buried,on an unmapped island.But the reason they did not use it was Beacuse they did not have to.Beacuse after Fat Man and Little Boy was built and dropped the war ended. So that caused them not to use the third atomic bomb,Junior.

What is the energy emitted from an atomic bomb called?


What was it called when the US dropped the atomic bomb on Japan?

It was called war.

Why is an atomic bomb called a nuke?

Well I am pretty sure they call an atomic bomb nukes because atomic bombs and be called nuclear bombs. So instead of calling these super long name they made the bomb a short nick name a nuke

What were the first two WW2 atomic bombs made of?

The first a-bomb called (Little Boy) was a uranium gun-type atomic bomb.The second a-bomb called (Fat Man) was a plutonium implosion-type bomb.

What is the difference between an atom bomb and an atomic bomb?

The atomic bomb killed millions of people in just one bomb , the napalm on the other hand , was nothing like it . Napalm is a chemical device ... it produces fire (it's also called jellied gasoline). An atomic bomb is a nuclear device ... and puts out considerably more energy.