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Q: What was the time limit on ratification?
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In modern times congress has set what limit on state ratification of an amendment?

Seven years is the time limit on state ratification of an amendment.

Which Amendment was the first to include a time limit for ratification?

18th amendment

Congress placed no time limit on the ratification process for the Twenty-seventh Amendment.?


What is the time limit on ratification?

The time limit to ratify an amendment is seven years. The first time this was imposed was on the 18th Amendment. Congress uses the time limit to avoid amendments lingering indefinitely before the States.

Is it against the constitution to put a time limit on the ratification of an amendment?

Per article V (5) of the US Constitution; there is not a time limit on the amendment process, although one may be in statute(s) or procedural rules later adopted by Congress or the Senate.

What is the period of time congress usually puts on the ratification of a constitutional amendment?

what period of time congress usually puts on the ratification of a constitutional amendment

What is the time period following the ratification of the constitution?

September 28,1787

Ratification can occur by one of two methods which one has only been used once?

Ratification by state convention has been used but one time as established by Article V of the United States Constitution. State ratification was employed for ratification of the 21st Amendment in 1933..

What is the time limit on a filibuster?

There is no time limit on a filibuster.

What was enacted to enforce the eighteenth amendment?

The Volstead Act set down methods of enforcing the Eighteenth Amendment and defined which intoxicating liquors were prohibited, and which were excluded from prohibition. The Amendment was the first to set a time delay before it would take effect following ratification, and the first to set a time limit for its ratification by the states.

Ratification of an Amendment must come within what time period?

Beginning with the 23rd Amendment, Congress has imposed a seven year limit upon the time in which the requisite number of states (75%) must approve/ratify an amendment in order for it to become effective. However, this time limit is not Constitutional in nature and could be modified or dropped with the promulgation of any new amendments. Prior to 1917, there was no deadline for states to ratify amendments.

Why was congress able to ignore the equal rights amendment in 1960s?

In order for a proposed amendment to become part of the U.S. Constitution, a minimum of three quarters of the states need to ratify it, which means to approve and accept it. It was presented to the states in March 1972 with a seven-year time limit for ratification, which was later extended to ten years, written into the proposal. By the time it expired in March 1982, it had not received the ratification of at least 38 states, so it died.