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There is nothing in the play which would indicate a specific year for the setting, and indeed the elements out of which the play is created have such conflicting time references that it is impossible to even assign a general time setting to the play. The workmen are clearly contemporary Englishmen. Theseus is a character out of Greek legend, who supposedly lived in a time before history. However, he acts like a Duke from medieval or renaissance Europe.

In the nineteenth century especially there was a fad for staging Shakespeare's plays in a "historically accurate" way. This play illustrates the futility of such an effort with many of Shakespeare's plays, which had no historical context whatsoever for Shakespeare or his audiences.

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13y ago

The characters of Theseus and Hippolyta come from Ancient Greek legend, so you'd think that the setting is Mythic Greece. But the way the lovers behave is much more like contemporary England; fairies are an English, not a Greek folktale; Bottom and his pals are clearly English and contemporaneous with Shakespeare. So, in essence the time setting is ambiguous and (if you think about it) pretty much irrelevant. Only the law requiring Hermia to marry the man of her father's choice puts the story clearly in the past (unless, of course you choose to set it in modern India or the Islamic world).

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14y ago

it was set in the late 1500s, specifically 1594-1596

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1mo ago

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" takes place during the summer in ancient Athens.

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12y ago

greek age

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Q: What period in which A Midsummer Night's Dream take place?
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Scene 1 of A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place in Athens, in the palace of Theseus, the Duke of Athens.

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The play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare takes place around the time of the summer solstice, also known as Midsummer. The themes of love, magic, and the supernatural in the play are often associated with the folklore and celebration of Midsummer in European traditions. The setting of the play during Midsummer allows for fantastical events and mischievous adventures to unfold.

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It took place in Athens, Greece.

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The castle is named "Athens" in A Midsummer Night's Dream. It is the setting where the events of the play take place, including the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta.

Did shakespeare wrote a play that took place in Athens?

A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place in Athens and the woods nearby.

What are two geographical locations where A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place?

In Athens and in the wood outside Athens.

What adjectives would you describe Oberon in a midsummer night's dream?

Oberon in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" can be described as powerful, manipulative, and mysterious. He is the fairy king who exerts control over others through his magic, particularly in the realm of the forest where much of the play's action takes place.

What year was a midsummer nights dream set in?

Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is set in ancient Athens, as indicated by references to Greek mythology and the mythical figures in the play. The exact year is not specified, as the story is more focused on the themes of love, magic, and chaos.

How do the opening scenes of midsummer nights dream contrast with the opening scene?

The opening scenes of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" take place in Athenian society, with characters like Theseus and Hippolyta discussing their upcoming wedding. In contrast, the opening scene in the fairy realm features Oberon and Titania, the fairy king and queen, in a dispute. The stark contrast between the human world of Athens and the magical world of the fairies sets the stage for the themes of love, magic, and transformation that unfold throughout the play.

When was a midsummer nights dream performed?

Oh this was performed ages ago before everyone one of us was born.This was performed thousands and thousands ago.