

What was the turning point in the year 1942?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Battle of Midway

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Q: What was the turning point in the year 1942?
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None of the turning-points "helped the Holocaust". In Europe the Battle of Stalingrad (1942-43) is regarded as a key turning point, but the Holocaust continued ...

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The battle of Stalingrad. Michael Montagne Stalingrad was a turning point, allthough several battles on the eastern front can be regarded as turning points. The first one was the battle of Moscow (october 1941 - January 1942) then there was Stalingrad in 1942 and Kursk in 1943.

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What battle in the pacific in June 1942 was the tuning point of World War 2?

The Battle of Midway was the turning point in the pacific for the US.

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nothing absoultely nothing

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In what Theater

What was the battle during World War 2 in June 3 1942 and was considered a turning point in the pacific?

The battle of Midway was fought on June 4-7. This was the turning point in the Pacific Campaign. Four Japanese carriers were sunk.

What American naval victory the second of 1942 stopped a Japanese fleet from advancing towards Hawaii in June of 1942 and was a turning point for the US in World War 2?

The Battle of Midway .


U.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, and marked a turning point in World War II.

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1492 was a turning point in world history because that was the year when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.