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If the questioner is asking about the word 'typical' it means what would be the usual sort of day in the trenches. Probably wading in water, soaked to the skin, shivering with cold and shock, climbing over corpses, exhaustedly sleeping on a muddy ledge covered in an oilskin while others are firing rifles nearby or while explosions from enemy shells are showering soil over everything. You may have just seen your best friend shot dead, and your wife and parents are waiting for a letter from you. What can you tell them about the war?

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Q: What was the typical day in the trenches during world war 1?
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The lines of trenches that ran from Belgium to Switzerland during World War II were known as the Western Front. The soldiers fighting in the war would spend many days eating, sleeping, fighting, and other such activities in these trenches both day and night.

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they fought during certain hours of the day and then stayed in the trenches and ate and dug deeper

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they stay in trenches and some day they feel like going back to their loved ones and then they die.the army live in trenches were there are rats

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Why were there trenches in World War I?

there were trenches in ww1 because obviously the soldiers needed somewhere undercover otherwise they would all be shot on the first day. but the trenches cotributed to the stalemate, so they weren't that affective in winning the war.

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They would practice for the war to be prepared, and they would rest.

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"Break of Day in the Trenches" is a poem by Isaac Rosenberg that describes the bleak and gritty reality of trench warfare during World War I. The poem portrays soldiers waiting in the trenches at dawn, surrounded by death and destruction, as they face the brutal challenges of war. It contrasts the beauty of the natural world with the horrors of human conflict, reflecting on the loss of innocence and the harsh conditions faced by soldiers on the front lines.

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