

What was the water like during the Jurassic period?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Water is pretty much the same in all times and places. Jurassic water would have been somewhat purer than today's, thanks to human pollution, but not significantly better than water in North America before Columbus. As for microbes and plant matter, those would have been slightly different, but the impact would be much the same: i.e., those animals that lived locally would have been adapted to them, those that had recently moved in would have have the reptilian equivalent of Montezuma's Revenge.

As for the fish, there are a couple of possibilities. One is that since there was more oxygen in the air, there might have been more dissolved in the water as well. However, water has a finite carrying capacity for atmospheric gases. Also, since the planet as a whole was warmer, the water might have had LESS oxygen than it does today.

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