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Q: What was their journey to Holy land like?
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What is a journey to the holy land or shrine?

A journey to the Holy Land or Shrine is called a pilgrimage.

Why did Godfrey take on the 3,000 mile journey/crusade to the holy land?

A crusade.

What is the holy land like?


What has the author James Kelly written?

James Kelly has written: 'A Spiritual Journey in the Holy Land'

What is a pilgrimage and who goes on one and why?

in the past it was a journey to a holy place like the shrine of a saint- often a long difficult journey

What is a pilmerge?

There is no widely recognized term or concept called "pilmerge." It may be a typo or a term specific to a certain context that is not widely known. If you can provide more context or clarification, I may be able to assist you further.

What religioun can go on a pillgramge?

A pilgrimage is just a journey to a religion's "holy" areas like for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam there is Jerusalem. So if the religion has a holy place on Earth in a sense they can take a pilgrimage/journey to there.

If pilgrimage is to take a journey to a holy place why did the pilgrims come to America?

what do you call a pilgrims journey to a holy place

What places would one expect to visit when going on Holy Land tours?

The Holy Land Tour offer tours in Israel. They offer a 10 and 15 day tour. Both of these tours include a spiritual journey focusing on the times of Jesus.

What do the pilgrimages feel like when they are on a pilgrimage?

HOLY i would feel happy that i am going on this particular journey for my beliefe

Why would christians in the west be moved to embark on a dangerous journey to fight in the holy land after hearing Pope Urban's speech at Clermont?

Pope Urban's speech was inspiring. Christians were motivated by his words to take up this new mission from Christ and reclaim their holy land.

What was the "journey to the promised land" from the swiss family robinson?

the journey of the Promised Land that they talking about is "the journey to their home."