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Q: What was this game called when you have to throw the newspaper to the people?
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What is the game that you have to throw pies at the robots?

The game to throw pies at the robots is called toon town

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Picnic Game in which you throw something that is taken off the feet of horses?

The game is called "Horseshoes."

What is an odd game people to break a tie?

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What is the game that you throw a paper ball in a trash can and your in a office its on iPod touch?

its called papertoss and its free

When was Throw In - video game - created?

Throw In - video game - was created in 200#.

What is the name of the Sonny With a Chance game when you throw food at the people from Sonny With a Chance?

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What is the name of the throw off used to start a frisbee game?

The beginning throw to start the game or the throw after a team scores is call the "pull."

What do the people in the truck throw in level 4 of bean couters in club penguin?

They throw flower pots that land in the middle making it very hard to win the game.

Is there a game called curby?

curby is a game where you get a ball and throw it at a curb these are the ruleswhen the ball bounces back to you then you score 1 pointwhen you score a point you move to the middle and throw againwhen you miss you return to your side of the roadif the opposition gets the ball and throws it at you and hits you then you loose a pointif you throw the ball at the curb and it bounces back and hits your curb then you loose a pointthose are the rules of the game called curby and please play it safely

Why do hats get thrown on the ice at hockey game what does it mean?

When a player scores 3 goals in one game, it is called a hat trick. Im not sure why it's called that, but fans throw hats on the ice because its called a "hat trick"

In hockey what is often thrown on the ice after three goals?

In ice hockey, three goals by one player in one game is called a 'Hat Trick'. Because of that name, people throw hats on the ice when a player performs a Hat Trick. Hat Tricks are rare, however, and people do not get their hats back after the game.