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Q: What was tobacco nickname in Jamestown?
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What role does tobacco play in Jamestown?

Tobacco was a major exportin Jamestown.

Did Jamestown export coffee or tobacco?

Yes, Jamestown did export tobacco but not coffee!

What was the farming in Jamestown?

Jamestown was especially well-known for growing tobacco.

What was a Jamestown crop?

Tobacco was a crop in Jamestown.

What crop made the colony of Jamestown successful?


Did tobacco increase in the time of Jamestown?

John Rolfe brought the seeds to Jamestown and the growing of tobacco began in Jamestown, so it didn't increase it started.

How is Jamestown important to us?

Jamestown was a for profit tobacco economy

What led to the viability of the Jamestown colony?

the production of tobacco

The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting what?


What problem was caused by the growth of tobacco farming in Jamestown?

A need for labor was caused by the quick growth of tobacco farming in Jamestown.

What problem was caused by the quick growth of tobacco in Jamestown?

A need for labor was caused by the quick growth of tobacco farming in Jamestown.

Profitable money crop of Jamestown?

Jamestown, Virginia was one of the most important colonial cities. The crop that made it most profitable was tobacco.