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Interference is what happens when two or more waves come together. Depending on how the peaks and troughs of the waves are matched up, the waves might add together or they can partially or even completely cancel each other. We'll discuss interference as it applies to sound waves, but it applies to other waves as well.

Linear superposition

The principle of linear superposition - when two or more waves come together, the result is the sum of the individual waves.

The principle of linear superposition applies to any number of waves, but to simplify matters just consider what happens when two waves come together. For example, this could be sound reaching you simultaneously from two different sources, or two pulses traveling towards each other along a string. When the waves come together, what happens? The result is that the waves are superimposed: they add together, with the amplitude at any point being the addition of the amplitudes of the individual waves at that point.

Although the waves interfere with each other when they meet, they continue traveling as if they had never encountered each other. When the waves move away from the point where they came together, in other words, their form and motion is the same as it was before they came together.

Constructive interference

Constructive interference occurs whenever waves come together so that they are in phase with each other. This means that their oscillations at a given point are in the same direction, the resulting amplitude at that point being much larger than the amplitude of an individual wave. For two waves of equal amplitude interfering constructively, the resulting amplitude is twice as large as the amplitude of an individual wave. For 100 waves of the same amplitude interfering constructively, the resulting amplitude is 100 times larger than the amplitude of an individual wave. Constructive interference, then, can produce a significant increase in amplitude.

The following diagram shows two pulses coming together, interfering constructively, and then continuing to travel as if they'd never encountered each other.

Another way to think of constructive interference is in terms of peaks and troughs; when waves are interfering constructively, all the peaks line up with the peaks and the troughs line up with the troughs.

Destructive interference

Destructive interference occurs when waves come together in such a way that they completely cancel each other out. When two waves interfere destructively, they must have the same amplitude in opposite directions. When there are more than two waves interfering the situation is a little more complicated; the net result, though, is that they all combine in some way to produce zero amplitude. In general, whenever a number of waves come together the interference will not be completely constructive or completely destructive, but somewhere in between. It usually requires just the right conditions to get interference that is completely constructive or completely destructive.

The following diagram shows two pulses interfering destructively. Again, they move away from the point where they combine as if they never met each other.

Reflection of waves

This applies to both pulses and periodic waves, although it's easier to see for pulses. Consider what happens when a pulse reaches the end of its rope, so to speak. The wave will be reflected back along the rope.

If the end is fixed, the pulse will be reflected upside down (also known as a 180° phase shift).

If the end is free, the pulse comes back the same way it went out (so no phase change).

If the pulse is traveling along one rope tied to another rope, of different density, some of the energy is transmitted into the second rope and some comes back. For a pulse going from a light rope to a heavy rope, the reflection occurs as if the end is fixed. From heavy to light, the reflection is as if the end is free.

Standing waves

Moving on towards Musical Instruments, consider a wave travelling along a string that is fixed at one end. When the wave reaches the end, it will be reflected back, and because the end was fixed the reflection will be reversed from the original wave (also known as a 180° phase change). The reflected wave will interfere with the part of the wave still moving towards the fixed end. Typically, the interference will be neither completely constructive nor completely destructive, and nothing much useful occurs. In special cases, however, when the wavelength is matched to the length of the string, the result can be very useful indeed.

Consider one of these special cases, when the length of the string is equal to half the wavelength of the wave.

time to produce half a wavelength is t = T / 2 = 1 / 2f

in this time the wave travels at a speed v a distance L, so t = L / v

combining these gives L / v = 1 / 2f, so f = v / 2L

This frequency is known as the first harmonic, or the fundamental frequency, of the string. The second harmonic will be twice this frequency, the third three times the frequency, etc. The different harmonics are those that will occur, with various amplitudes, in stringed instruments.

String instruments and transverse standing waves

In general, the special cases (the frequencies at which standing waves occur) are given by:

The first three harmonics are shown in the following diagram:

When you pluck a guitar string, for example, waves at all sorts of frequencies will bounce back and forth along the string. However, the waves that are NOT at the harmonic frequencies will have reflections that do NOT constructively interfere, so you won't hear those frequencies. On the other hand, waves at the harmonic frequencies will constructively interfere, and the musical tone generated by plucking the string will be a combination of the different harmonics.

Example - a particular string has a length of 63.0 cm, a mass of 30 g, and has a tension of 87.0 N. What is the fundamental frequency of this string? What is the frequency of the fifth harmonic?

The first step is to calculate the speed of the wave (F is the tension):

The fundamental frequency is then found from the equation:

So the fundamental frequency is 42.74 / (2 x 0.63) = 33.9 Hz.

The second harmonic is double that frequency, and so on, so the fifth harmonic is at a frequency of 5 x 33.9 = 169.5 Hz.

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Q: What wave inter action occurs when waves combine and resulting wave has a smaller amplitude than the individual waves had?
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If Waves combine to produce a smaller or zero amplitude in a process called what?

Destructive interference.

What occurs when waves and combine?

If waves are going opposite directions: If the two waves have the same amplitude and frequency, they will cancel each other out, resulting in a flatline. If one has a greater amplitude, it will "absorb" the smaller one and the result will be a wave with amplitude of the difference between the two original waves, going in the direction of the first wave with greater amplitude. If they're going the same direction: If the waves have the same frequency and phase, the will simply add on to each other, resulting in a larger wave. If the two have the same frequency but different phase, some parts of the waves will be offset to result in a wave with different amplitude but same frequency (depending how off-phase the waves are). If they have the same frequency and exactly opposite phases, the two will offset into a flatline. If they have different frequency, then it will result in a completely different wave with different frequency, phase, and amplitude.

What occurs when more than one wave moves through the same medium at the same time?

When more than one wave moves through the same medium at the same time, they interfere with each other. Depending on the relative phase and amplitude of the waves, interference can result in constructive or destructive interference. Constructive interference occurs when the waves combine to form a larger amplitude wave, while destructive interference occurs when the waves cancel each other out, resulting in a smaller or no wave.

How are loudness of sound and wave interference related?

As you know, sound travels in the form of waves with crests and troughs (high and low points). When two waves meet, constructive or deconstructive interference can occur. Loudness increases when waves interfere constructively, in other words when crests combine with crests or when trough combine with troughs to produce an even larger wave amplitude (the height of the resulting wave). Loudness decreases when waves interfere deconstructively, in other words when crests cancel out troughs to produce a smaller wave amplitude.

What is Convergent Oscillations?

oscillations in which the amplitude gets smaller over time.

Related questions

What is it called when a combined wave has a smaller amplitude than the original waves?

If the resulting amplitude is smaller, then it's "destructive interference".If the resulting amplitude is larger, then it's "constructive interference".Looks like the name you give it depends on which wave you're more interested in.When a large wave and a small wave interfere, the resulting amplitude can belarger than either one, smaller than either one, or midway between them.If the resulting amplitude is midway between the individual amplitudes, and youwere using the larger one to communicate with, then from your point of view, theinterference is destructive. If you were more interested in the smaller one, thenas far as you're concerned the same interference is constructive.

If Waves combine to produce a smaller or zero amplitude in a process called what?

Destructive interference.

Is it true that contructive interfecence occurs when amplitudes of two waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude?

Constructive interference occurs when amplitudes of two waves combine to produce a wave with a larger amplitude.If a wave with a smaller amplitude is produced, destructive interference has occurred.

Is a sound quieter when a vibration is smaller?

No. If a vibration is smaller, the sound is higher pitched. To get a quieter sound the amplitude of the sound-wave needs to be smaller. +++ It depends whether you mean amplitude or wavelength being "smaller", and they are two different things. If the vibration's amplitude is smaller the sound is quieter irrespective of frequency. If the vibration is more rapid, the frequency is higher but the wavelength correspondingly smaller irrespective of amplitude.

What occurs when waves and combine?

If waves are going opposite directions: If the two waves have the same amplitude and frequency, they will cancel each other out, resulting in a flatline. If one has a greater amplitude, it will "absorb" the smaller one and the result will be a wave with amplitude of the difference between the two original waves, going in the direction of the first wave with greater amplitude. If they're going the same direction: If the waves have the same frequency and phase, the will simply add on to each other, resulting in a larger wave. If the two have the same frequency but different phase, some parts of the waves will be offset to result in a wave with different amplitude but same frequency (depending how off-phase the waves are). If they have the same frequency and exactly opposite phases, the two will offset into a flatline. If they have different frequency, then it will result in a completely different wave with different frequency, phase, and amplitude.

What occurs when two or more waves overlap and combine?

They superpose. Energy of the waves are redistributed to form a resultant wave with amplitude given by the summation of individual wave's amplitude. If the two waves are of same frequency, speed and amplitude and travelling in opposite direction den stationary waves are form.

What is an example of a destructive?

Destructive interference occurs when the amplitudes of two waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude.

When the crest of one wave overlaps the crests of another wave what is it called?

When the crest of one wave overlaps the trough of another, this produces destructive interference. If both original waves are equal in amplitude, then nothing will remain. The waves completely cancel out. However, if one waver is larger in amplitude, then there will still be a wave left over after they meet, but it will be smaller. The amplitude of the new wave will be the larger wave amplitude minus the smaller wave amplitude one. The opposite can also occur. If the crests of two waves overlap, then it produces constructive interference (resulting in one larger wave).

A combination of waves from a larger wave?

smaller in amplitude: sin(x), -3/2 sin(x) cancel out to become -sin(x)/2, which has a smaller amplitude smaller wavelength: sin(x), sin(x), "combine" them by multiplying together. The wavelength is reduced by 2 If you are looking for an addition of waves that gets the smaller wavelength of a sine wave, here is the simplest one I can find. It is an infinite addition, and the result is sin(2x), a wave that has a smaller wavelength than the individual waves: sum from k=0 to infinity of sin(k*pi/2+z0)(2x-z0)k / k!

How do you find the resulting velocity?

When you combine 2 velocities that are in the same directions, add them together to find the resultant velocity. When you combine 2 velocities that are in opposite directions, subtract the smaller velocity from the larger velocity to find the resultant velocity.

What occurs when more than one wave moves through the same medium at the same time?

When more than one wave moves through the same medium at the same time, they interfere with each other. Depending on the relative phase and amplitude of the waves, interference can result in constructive or destructive interference. Constructive interference occurs when the waves combine to form a larger amplitude wave, while destructive interference occurs when the waves cancel each other out, resulting in a smaller or no wave.

What happens when destructive interference occurs waves with different amplitude?

It depends on the frequency of the waves. Are we assuming here that one wave is acting as destructive interference to another wave?. If they have the same frequency, then the amplitudes should combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude than the original (two?) waves. Otherwise your results will vary.