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Sound wave, waves on the surface of water, earthquake waves

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Q: What wave is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
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Transverse wave which is not a part of electromagnetic spectrum?

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Why isn't sound a part of the em spectrum?

Sound is a mechanical wave, not an electromagnetic wave.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum does the ultrasonic wave falls into?

An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.

Why are some parts of the electromagnetic spectrum called light and others called waves?

No reason. Light is an electromagnetic wave so you can call any part of the spectrum either.

What kind of wave is an x ray?

X-Rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other waves on the electromagnetic spectrum include light, radio waves, and gamma rays.

Is a sound wave part of a electromagnetic spectrum?

No, a sound wave is not electromagnetic, it is a pressure wave in the air. The speed of propagation is about 1100 ft/second, so 1 mile in 5 seconds.

Are infrared waves sound waves?

No; sound is a mechanical wave, infrared is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What radio wave with the greatest energy?

Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic waves with the greatest energy are gamma rays.

How are the different types of electromagnetic wave organized?

By frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum

What is the complete range of electromagnetic wave frequencies and wavelengths?

Electromagnetic spectrum.

Is light considered a electromagnetic wave?

Light is said to be of dual nature so it has particle nature as well as wave nature but there is a difference in waves and electromagnetic waves. so ,as for your question "Is light a electromagnetic wave" the answer is "no"More precisely, if visible is not an electromagnetic wave, the NO part of the electromagnetic spectrum could be considered to be an electromagnetic wave. By any definition of the term, the answer is 'Yes'

What determines the amount of energy wave has?

Electromagnetic Spectrum