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Q: What wave matter moves right angles to the direction wave travels?
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What wave in which matter moves at right angles to the direction of the waves?


What are the waves in which matter moves at right angles to the direction of the wave?

Electromagnetic waves.

What kind of wave has matter that moves in the same direction as the wave travels?

Longitudinal wave.

What wave matter moves in the sames direction as wave travels?

seismic waves bhosdi wale

What wave does matter moves in same direction as the wave travels?

seismic waves bhosdi wale

What type wave matter moves at right angles to the direction of the wave?

Water moves up and down as the wave moves horizontally. The website below has examples of transverse waves.

The wave crest of light waves are to the direction the wave travels?

Perpendicular. Light wave moves forward, the crests move at right angles to the wave

What type of wave has movement that is parallel to the direction of the wave?

This is a longitudinal wave or a P-wave (primary wave), called so because it travels faster than a transverse wave, which moves at right angles to the direction the wave travels.

How does transverse waves move?

When you make a wave on a rope, the wave moves from one end of the rope to the other. But the rope itself moves up and down or from side to side, at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels. Waves that move the medium at right angles to the direction in which the waves travel are called transverse waves. Transverse means "across". As a transverse wave moves, the particles of the medium move across, or at right angle to, the direction of the wave.

When a transverse wave travels through a medium which way does matter in the medium move?

When a compression wave travels through a medium, the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction of the wave. Compression waves are commonly called longitudinal waves.

When a transverse wave moves through matter the matter moves in the same direction as the wave true or galse?
