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Q: What wavelengths will be bend more once it passes through a prism?
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What separates white light into it various colors?

White light appears white because it is a conglomeration of all the different wavelengths of light. A prism will separate the different wavelengths because they refract (or bend) at different angles through the prism.

Do all the colors of the rainbow leave a prism at the same place?

No as different colours of light(that is different wavelengths) move through glass at different speeds they bend when entering and exiting the prism by different amount causing a dispersion of the light into different wavelengths.

How do prisms work?

Refraction is when light bends through an object. White light is made up of all the colors of the spectrum. Different colors have different wavelengths, therefore they bend at different angles. So when white light passes through a prism the different colors bend at different angles, so they separate to produce the rainbow of light that we see.

Why does the light bend inside a prism or water?

As light passes through a prism, it is bent by the angles and plane faces of the prism. This is called refraction and is defined as the fact of light, radio waves, etc., being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density.

Why is light broken into different colors when it passes through a prism?

Refraction. White light is a mix of colors in the first place; these colors have different indices of refraction. That is, when moving from air to glass, as in a prism, they will bend at slightly different angles.

What is an object that bends light and is triangular?

A prism is an object that can bend light and has a triangular shape. It has two triangular bases and three rectangular sides, which causes light to refract or bend when it passes through it, separating it into different colors. Prisms are commonly used in optics and experiments to study the properties of light.

Is light bends when it passes through a convex lens?

No it do not bend.

What happens when light is refracted through water from air?

The light will bend as it passes through.

Does light bend as it passes through materials?

Light is affected by the media that it travels through. Even air will bend light. Glass and water certainly bend light.

What happens when light passes through lens?

The light refracts or bend .

What happens when light strikes a prism?

If the light enters the prism at an angle the light will bend. The amount the light will bend depends on its wavelength. Each wavelength is bent a different amount effectively splitting the light into its constituent wavelengths. Visible light (390 - 750 nm) will split into a rainbow. see link below