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Any transverse waves can be polarised because the vibrations are confined to one plane. Therefore sound can be polarised. Because there is a position when the sounds plane of polarisation is at right angles to the polariser and no waves can pass through.

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Why are sound waves not polarized?

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No Sound waves are longitudinal. Being longitudinal they cannot be POLARISED.

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What is the properties and behavior of sound waves in the air?

Sound waves are condensations and expansions of the material the sound wave in traveling in which can be gas (including air), liquid, or solid. For this reason you cannot have sound waves in a vacuum including space. Sound waves eminate concentrically from the source of the sound. amplitude, wavelength, frequency, speed

Why does a sound wave travel the slowest in a vacuum?

Sound waves don't just travel the slowest in a vacuum, they don't travel at all. The reason is that sound waves, like all mechanical waves, need a medium to travel through.

What is the reason for ultrasonic waves not being in the form of electromagnetic waves?

Ultrasonic waves are high frequency sonic waves. They're sound, which is mechanical energy. Electromagnetic waves are waves of electromagnetic energy, like radio waves or light. Mechanical energy is different from electromagnetic energy, hence the reason for ultrasonic waves not taking the form of electromagnetic waves.

Does sound produce waves?

Yes sound does produce waves. These special waves are called sound waves.

What sound waves do?

Sound waves carry sound

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sound waves are a example of mechanical waves

Does a soft sound have tall waves?

No, soft sound waves have short waves. Loud sound waves are the ones that have tall waves.

Why are sound waves are described as pressure waves?

Sound waves are described as pressure waves because waves produces pressure by which sound is produces