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Q: What ways was the threat of American Expansion into BNA's reasons for confederation?
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Why is the threat of American expansion into the British North America a factor of confederation?

American expansion was a threat because, the Americans believed in "Manifest Destiny" which was the belief that the United states had a duty to take over the land of North America. The colonies of BNA, thought if they joined together they would be a better defense.

What was the greatest threat to American expansion in the Northwest Territories?

The greatest threat to the American expansion in the Northwest territories were the Native Americans who were supplied with guns by the British.

To what extent was Canadian confederation achieved in 1867 a direct result of an American threat?

dont start nothin dont be nothin

What was the greatest threat of the American expansion into the Northwest Territories?

Americans' inability to cope with harsh winter conditions and inadequate forts.

What are the five factors leading to confederation?

The 5 factors of confederation are:1) the threat of an American takeover and fenian raids2) the trouble with trade3) political deadlock4) the need for rail links5) changing british attitudes

Why did anti-imperialists oppose US expansion?

they feared that US expansion would lead it to become an empire. They didnt like that idea because they pictured empires as a threat to individual freedoms, something they inherited from the american revolution.

How did US leaders respond to the threat of the Soviet expansion in Europe?

the answer is containment,which was simply not to have any battles with the soviet union but to simply stop them from enpanding and just stay at their borders stoping them were ever they found a gap through the defences of the u.s

How did the American Civil War affect Canadian confederation?

The American Civil War affected Canadian Confederation for military, political, and economic reasons. The Northern army had one million soldiers just below the border, and virtually nothing was stopping them from marching North. The entire population on Canada at the time was 3 230 000. The military threat is commented on by Sir John A. Macdonald in his speech to the Upper and Lower Canadian MPs in February of 1865: "still we cannot trust to probabilities" says Macdonald. He is sure that the threat was real. The political reasons for Confederation were simple. America demonstrated that giving states too jurisdiction and not having enough emphasis on the federal government was a problem. This is what they called "state rights." Macdonald and the other fathers of Confederation realized this and it facilitated the creation of Canada. The economic effects of the Civil War on Confederation had to do with Britain. If Canada was to remain a colony under Britain and not form a country, it would inherit the consequences of being British. We would suffer economically in our trading with the United States because they did not have the best relations with Britain. And at this time since we were edging even closer to economic relationships with America (Reciprocity was to come in 1891), we could suffer that way.

What were the disadvantages in joining confederation for Quebec?

There were 6 reasons for the confederation which are:1.Political Deadlock Led To The Great Coalition In The United Provinces Of Canada.2.A railway linking the colonies was needed to increase trade and to move troops.3.Cancellation of the Reciprocity Treaty by the United States in 1865 ended the free trade between BNA and the US.4.There was a threat of American expansion into British North America.5.Great Britain wanted her colonies to be more self-sufficient.6. Some people (especially in Canada West) wanted to expand settlement into Rupert's Land and theNorth-West Territories.

Why did the U.S become involvoled in Vietnam?

Out of fear or self protection from a communist threat of expansion in Asia.

What were the key factors that encouraged discussion of Confederation?

Military threat from the USA, lack of support from Britain, and reciprocity with the USA.

Was the Cheyenne tribe a peaceful tribe?

Like all native tribes prior to European contact, the cheyenne often raided neighbouring tribes. It was in this way that they first acquired the horses that made them such a powerful threat to American expansion in the 19th century.