

What ways was world war different form earlier wars?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What ways was world war different form earlier wars?
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How is World War I differ from earlier wars?

its differ bc world war 1 was more important

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Beacause people had guns & ships with cannons and forts with cannons also.

Why were some wars called World Wars?

Some wars were called World Wars because they were fought with a variety of countries all around the world in different places. An example would be World War 1.

How was World War 2 different from modern day wars?

what is the difference bewteen the world war 2 and the modern day war and how are the weapons different between the two wars

What two things were different about World War 1 to World War 2?

Well they are different wars and different people fought in them.

What game has more people on it guild wars or world of worldcraft?

World of Warcraft does but they are different styles in my own opinion Guild wars is better

What forms of technology changed how ww1was fought compared to previous wars?

World War I was fought the same way as earlier wars, only the technology had advanced making that form of combat obsolete. The rapid fire machine gun, explosive shells with poison gas, and the tank all made their appearance in World War I. The age of the cavalry charge was over.

Who caused the world wars?

it was a lack of compassion and hate of people that are different

Why was World War 1 different from all the wars before it?

It was the first to be taped