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Q: What weakens a response and makes it less likely to recur?
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Rewarded behavior is likely to recur?

The law of effect principle, which states that rewarded behavior is likely to recur, was developed by Edward Thorndike. He suggested that responses followed by satisfaction were bound to happen again.

Rewarded behavior is likely to recur is a simple statement of Thorndike's?

law of effect

Can typhoid fever recur after ten years?

No. That is least likely. Probably that is reinfection. But then, nothing is impossible in biology.

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What are the most likely problems to occur in a bunionectomy?

infection, pain, nerve damage to the operated foot, and the possibility that the bunion will recur.

What is a sentence using the word recur?

To recur means to happen over and over again. Here are some sentences.If you live on a fault line, you can expect an earthquake to recur occasionally.Her symptoms will recur if she does not follow the doctor's orders.The drought looks like it will recur.

What is a sentence for recur?

it was recurring

Why would a woman choose to have a healthy breast removed?

Patients who have had certain types of breast cancers that are more likely to recur may elect to have the unaffected breast removed.

Tumor is not life threatening and does not recur?


Are men or women more likely to develop cystic mesothelioma?

It is common knowledge that Cystic mesothelioma (CM) of the peritoneum is a rare, benign neoplasm that occurs predominantly in women and tends to recur locally.

What are the chances After cancer treatment have been completed what therapy is used to decrease that chances that the cancer will recur?

Adjuvant therapy is used to decrease the chances that cancer will recur.

Can Tuberculosis of spine recur after treatment?

yes but it is uncommon