

Best Answer

is the NC a polor easterlie/weasterlie or a tropical easterlie/westerlie

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Q: What weather pattern most greatly influences the weather in nc?
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In most of Europe, there are several dominant features that determine the weather. They include latitude, altitude, and the oceans.

What ocean current most influences the weather eastern North America?

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How are predictions of a hurricane made?

simple,depending of the weather, most likely if there is an unusual weather pattern in an area which is use to other patterns. awkward weather pattern in a certain area

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For somebody to properly answer this question you must define "Important." A fact that greatly influences Pennsylvania: it is located in the U. S. A.

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The most extreme weather pattern in south Asia is the cyclone. A cyclone is a violent storm with fierce winds and heavy winds

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"el niño", the pattern of ocean currents that produces unseasonably poor weather in most of the US.

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who was the most important influences of jimmy carter when he was young.

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wen the earth moves most weather chages caused by global warming

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What ocean current most influences the weather in eastern North America?

The Gulf Stream is the ocean current that most influences the weather in Eastern North America. It brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico up along the eastern coast, moderating temperatures and contributing to the formation of powerful storms such as nor'easters. The Gulf Stream also affects the climate by bringing moisture and heat, which can lead to increased rainfall and milder winters in the region.