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If both bags are the same size, there would be more cans in the crushed can bag and it would weigh 3 or 4 times more than the bag without any crushed cans. If there are the same number of cans in each bag, as long as the cans were not closed, they would weight the same. If the cans were sealed, the air inside would add to the weight of the bag. as the uncrushed cans would leave a lot of air in the bag that would be lighter so a bag of crushed would weigh more as there would be more cans in there

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Q: What weighs more a bag full of uncrushed cans or bag full of crushed cans?
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Basically, they are just a lever that applies force to the can and crushes it. In my area, the can recyclers will not accept aluminum cans that have been crushed. For some reason, they want them full-size.

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4555444 A 12 fl. oz can weighs 390g can and soda, 373g just the soda, 17g just the can. That is 13.7568 oz full can and soda, and 13.157818 oz soda alone. Dont ask how I know, just trust me. :) In Australia a 375ml Coke can weighs 14 grams which means there are 71 cans to the Kilo. Cheers Stu.

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Unless the can is huge, no. The two most popular sizes of beer cans in the US are 12 ounces and 16 ounces. Beer weighs the same as water, so a full 12-ounce can weighs a bit over twelve ounces. A foot can handle having a 12-ounce weight dropped on it.

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Empty, 28 cans make up a pound. I have a gram scale and a dried out empty coke can weighs just over 13.8 grams. 1 lbs = approx 454 grams 454 grams / 13.8 = 32.89855..... So if you asked me I'd say the number of typical soda cans in a pound is approx. 33

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Is there a difference in weight if an aluminum can is flattened?

Flattening an aluminum can makes no difference to its weight. However, a bag full of flattened aluminum cans will weigh much more than a bag full of unflattened aluminum cans, simply because you can fit many more cans in the bag.

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What is the history behind jerry cans?

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