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Q: What were 2 things that organisms must have for nitrogen?
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How big is a 2 liter liquid nitrogen container?

About twice the size of a 2 liter soda bottle. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold- the container must be vacuum insulated, or the liquid nitrogen quickly turn to gas.

How does Oxygen Nitrogen and Xenon generate a compound O2N2Xe?

It should be ONXe but here it is O2N2Xe meaning there are 2 oxygen atoms, 2 nitrogen atoms and 1 Xenon atom. It must be a "special" compound

How does the nitrogen cycle work?

Take a look at this diagram.

What are 2 producers consumers and decompose-rs in the ocean?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

What element has 2 electrons and 7 protons?

it must be a 5+ ion of element nitrogen and it is very difficult to produce.

What most organismsneed to survive?

Every organism NEEDS 4 things to live. 1. Water. Self-explainable. 2. Food. It's an energy source. 3. Living Space. All organisms need space to obtain food and water. 4. Stable Internal Conditions. Organisms must be able to keep their body stable, even when outside conditions change. (Like System Regulation a.k.a. Regulation of body temperature.) Everything else, is what certain species need to survive. But those 4 are the basics for all organisms. EVERY living thing needs these things.

What are the five in which organisms are similar?

1. All organisms are made of cells 2. The chemical composition of all living things is remarkably similar 3. All living things require energy 4. Organisms can grow and reproduce 5. All living things reproduce or produce more of their own kind

How many valence numbers of nitrogen?

Nitrogen;s atomic number is 7. To be neutral then, it must have 7 protons and 7 electrons. The first 7 electrons are filled into orbitals as 1s2 2s2 2p3. Since the outer shell of that configuration is 2, nitrogen has 2 + 3 = 5 valence electrons.

When do enzyme competition occurs?

For competition to occur, the environment somehow must be limiting (i.e., there must be something to compete for)

What converts nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle?

okay heres the nitrogen cycle nitrogen from atmosphere it taken in by 1)lightning( its energy causes nitrogen to react with oxygen n rain to the soil) 2)nitrogen- fixing bacteria in nodules ( plant roots which take it directly form the atmosphere ) NITROGEN FROM SOIL to organisms 1)nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil - breakdown of dead plants n animals releases nitrogen to the soil 2)fertilizers - which contain nitrogen compounds eg NPK OR natural fertilizers i,e dead plants n animals release nitrogen , animal urine and faeces release nitrogen as well to the soil 3)nitrogen fixing bacteria in nodules get nitrogen from its compounds in the soil 4)nitrifying bacteria - converts compounds of ammonia into nitrates .. for the plant nodules NITROGEN TO ATMOSPHERE 1) denitrifying bacteria in soil - changes nitrates to nitrogen gas and its released back to the atmosphere

What are three things an animal must have to be an animal?

1. Must consume food 2. Must be multicellular 3. Must have movement

What is the oxidation number of nitrogen in NO 2?

+4 for nitrogen