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Q: What were Alfred wegeners accomplishments of his life?
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What were Alfred wegeners accomplishments?

he theorized about the continental drift and he also said that a pangaea formed 200 million years ago

What was Alfred wegeners accomplishments?

He proposed the idea of continental dift, which is very cool!

Why did other scientists not accept Alfred Wegeners theory?

why did other scientist not accpet Alfred Wegeners theory

Did Alfred wegeners have kids?


What is Alfred Wegeners middle name?

Alfred Lothar Wegener

What was Alfred wegeners hometown?

He was born in Berlin.

Who is Alfred wegeners mother?

Anna Wegener

What was Alfred wegeners evidence?

fossils continents shapes climate :)

Why is Alfred wegeners invention or discovery important to science?

because it just is

What were Alfred Wegeners parents names?

he had a mom named bebin and a dad named lucas

Why were most scientists disagreeing with Alfred Wegeners continental drift theory?

There was no evidence to prove it

What was the name of Alfred wegeners idea?

Plate tectonics, which refers to the concept of continental drift.