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Q: What were All of the following are functions of smooth muscles EXCEPT?
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Where is smooth muscle and what are its functions?

Smooth muscles are an involuntary non-striated muscles. It is divided into two sub-groups; the Single unit (unitary) and multiunit smooth muscle Hope this helps! :)

Which type of muscles is found in internal organs?

The internal organs except for the heart have smooth muscle. The heart has myocardial muscle.

What s the type of muscle tissue found in the walls of many organs and blood vessels in the body?

That would be involuntary or smooth muscles. Voluntary muscles are those which you use at will, like your biceps and triceps. Cardiac muscles are those found in the heart.

3 areas where smooth muscles can be found?

Esophogus/ Stomach/ and BladderAny hollow organs except the heart

Can you contract your smooth and cardiac muscles on purpose?

Smooth Muscles can, but Cardiac Muscles can not.

Which of the following structures do not contain smooth muscle A brain B heart C arm muscles D leg muscles E intestines?

These structures do not contain smooth muscle A brain - The brain does not contain muscles!C arm musclesD leg musclesThese DO contain smooth muscle:B heartE intestines

Are smooth muscles involuntary muscles?

yes. The smooth muscles (e.g. in the digestive tract) are involuntary.

Is the smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?

Smooth muscles are involuntary, as are cardiac muscles. Only skeletal muscles are voluntary.

Smooth muscles under involuntary control?

yes. Smooth muscles are another name for involuntary muscles.

How many types of muscles are there in humans?

There are three types of muscles:Skeletal muscle- Muscle of exterior (ex. triceps, biceps)Smooth muscle- Muscle of interior organs (ex. lungs, stomach)Cardiac muscle- Muscle of heart (ex. heart)

What muscles are unstriated?

smooth muscles.

Involuntary muscles are also called?

The muscles of the digestive system are smooth muscles.