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Q: What were Anglican priests allowed to do?
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Could priests marry when Elizabeth was Queen?

Then as now Catholic Priests could not marry; but Anglican Priests who were not members of religious orders were allowed to get married.

What are the English clergy?

Anglican priests are called vicars.

Describe one important difference between Roman Catholic and Anglican priests?

Easy, Catholic clergy are bishops, priests, and deacons who have been ordained into the sacrificial priesthood of Christ through the Apostolic succession, and thus carry Our Blessed Lord's mandate to minister to His people. Anglican clergy are protestants who lost apostolic succession and do not have a proper sacrificial priesthood. Please see Apostolicae Curae issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1896 on the validly of Anglican Orders:

Can a deacon become a priest?

In most Churches that have the threefold order (deacons, priests and bishops), like the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Churches, most deacons are ordained priests after one year being a deacon. However, some elect to remain as permanent deacons as this is where they believe their calling lies. Also, in the Roman Catholic Church married men are allowed to become deacons but are not, as yet, allowed to become priests (although some Catholic priests are now married - such as married Anglican priests who have moved to the Roman Catholic Church)> therefore, for married men the diaconate is the only order open to them and they remain deacons permanently.

What has the author Francis Woodlock written?

Francis Woodlock has written: 'Are Anglican ministers Catholic priests?' -- subject(s): Anglican orders

Where do Anglican priests live and what title is given to the regional leader?

Anglican priests usually live in their own homes or, if the parish they serve has a parsonage, the priest and his family may choose to live there. The great majority of Anglican priests are married and live with their families. There are Anglican monasteries; however, the residents of a monastery are referred to as monks. A region of Anglican parishes is known as a Diocese and the head of a Diocese is called a Bishop. The head Bishop over all of the Anglican Bishops in a given country is called the Presiding Bishop and the head of all Anglicans, worldwide, is the Archbishop of Cantebury.

Are Anglican ministers required to marry?

Yes. There is absolutely no restriction on marriage for both female or male priests in the Anglican Church. My wife has been an Anglican priest since 2001 and I am due to be ordained a priest in 2012. Within the Anglican Church even homosexual priests (both male and female) are allowed to be in a civil partnership. However, the diocesan bishop sponsoring them for ordination must be satisfied that the partnership is for non-sexual reasons (eg so that a surviving partner inherits as next of kin on the death of the other partner) and that the relationship between them, though loving, is non-sexual.

If married can you be a priest?

In the Roman Catholic Church, it is required that a priest be celibate. This is to keep the priest from being distracted from doing God's will as a priest. However, if an Anglican or Orthodox priest who is married converts to Catholicism he is able to become a Catholic priest and keep his wife. In the Eastern Catholic Church though, the priests are allowed to marry though. Lutheran and Episcopalian Priests are allowed to marry as well.

Why are Ukrainian Priests allowed to marry?

No priests are allowed to marry. However, it is only in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church that, ordinarily, married men are not ordained, in the other rites we do ordain married men. There are some exceptions in the Latin Rite, we do ordain permanent deacons who are married, and clergymen from other religions, think Episcopal or Anglican, who come into the Church and wish to be ordained, but no, no priests, Ukrainian or otherwise are permitted to marry, they all take a vow of celibacy before ordination.

In most religions --- women are not allowed to be priests -- What is the position in Sikhism?

In Sikhism, women are allowed to be priests. Sikhism promotes equality between everyone and it would be a bit hypocritical is Sikh women weren't allowed to be priests.

What was not a conclusion of the Council of Trent?

priests should not be allowed to marry lol trevor rige taylor

What percentage of Anglican priests are women?

In 2012, about 23 percent of Anglican clergy were female. The number of female clergy in that group increased by 41 percent between 2002 and 2012.