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They trying to get away from their district. Because of the war thats starting to happen.

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Q: What were Bonnie and Twill doing at the cabin?
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Where are Bonnie and twill from in cahing fire?

Bonnie and Twill are from District 8. During the uprising there, Bonnie and Twill had been working to create Peacemaker Costumes so they could escape to District 13. Originally Bonnie was not meant to go, but the person who was meant to was unable to, so Bonnie took his place. Twill was a teacher and Bonnie was her student.

What does the Mockingjay pin symbolizes to Bonnie and Twill Catching Fire?

Freedom from the Capitol and hope

How do bonnie and twill die?

Bonnie and Twill's death were not told in the books. Though, it seemed they had not made it to District 13, so they bombings from District 13 must have gotten them before they reached their Destination! Therefore, they died because of the District 12 bombings.

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You mean the answer to the 4th clue? Bonnie & Twill!

Who is bonnie in Catching Fire?

Bonnie is one of the girls that Katniss runs into at the lake in the woods behind District 12 (over the fence). Bonnie is with a girl named Twill who have ran away from District 8 in white Peacekeeper uniforms.

Who does katniss see in the tree next to where she is trapped in?

Bonnie and Twill, rebel escapees from district 8. They believe district 13 still has inhabitants and are trying to make their way there when Katniss funds them.

How does bonnie die in the book Catching Fire?

the books dont acually tell, but it said katniss thought that bonnie and twill must have died in the wild, eather from starvation, lack of water, etc

What does the end of chapter 9 of Catching Fire mean?

When Twill and Bonnie show up with the mockingjay cracker, she knows that they are safe and that there not peacekeepers and they were on her side.

Is twill waterproof?

No, jeans are made of twill. twill=denim

Who sells cabin creek twill pants now that JC Penney discontinued?

i to have been looking for these pants for months,did anybody find where to buy them,thanks

How is Bonnie Churchill?

Doing great.

What is a twill jersey?

A twill jersey is a type of sports uniform that is made of twill. Twill is a woven fabric with a ribbed pattern that is diagonal and parallel.