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enforced the strict separation of the races

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They helped to retain a racially segregated society after slavery was abolished.

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They were law that says backs can sill not do Everything whites can do

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Q: What were Jim Crow laws and how did they impact southern society?
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What type of society did the southern states form by passing Jim Crow laws?

the southern states formed a segregated society by passing so called jim crow laws. answer:segregrated society

How did the passage of Jim Crow laws help southern states from segregated society's?

The passage of Jim Crow laws helped Southern states form segregated societies because the laws were widely accepted and approved by the public.

Southern laws that imposed restrictions on African Americans?

Southern laws that imposed restrictions on African Americans were called Jim Crow laws. The Jim Crow laws prevented southern African American from truly have equality with the white counterparts.

How were Jim crow laws harmful in general?

In the southern states

Southern laws designed to separate blacks and whites?

Segregation laws- known as "Jim Crow" laws.

Where did the Jim crows laws exist?

The jim crow laws existed in Southern United States.

What were the laws of the southern states that officially serrated the South?

Jim Crow Laws Hope it helps! :)

How did the Jim crow laws impact the film the great debaters?

The main characters went to an all black school. This is because of the Jim Crow laws.

In what region did Jim crow laws exist?

The southern region of the United States had Jim Crow laws. These laws were strictly enforced and caused widespread segregation of many services.

What term describes repressive laws concerning aftrican Americans in to kill a mockingbird?

The term that describes the repressive laws concerning African Americans in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Jim Crow laws. These were state and local laws in the southern United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. The novel depicts the impact of these laws on the characters and the community.

What laws enforced the separation of blacks and whites?

In the United States, segregation was enforced through various laws, including Jim Crow laws in the southern states that mandated separate facilities for blacks and whites in public spaces, such as schools, restaurants, and buses. These laws existed from the late 19th century until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s led to their gradual dismantling.

How did some southern black people try to escape the Jim Crow laws?

they fighted